ISO 17025:2005
/ Equipment For Sale

Marsh Metrology Used Calibration Equipment

Marsh Metrology periodically, through equipment upgrades and technology advances, has used calibration equipment available for sale.

These products fall into two categories:

$$ - Equipment has been checked for functionality and is in good working order. No longer used by Marsh, but still has functional value. Items can be provided with optional certificate of Calibration

$ - This equipment is in need of repair and is sold’s as is. Suitable for spare parts, or for individuals prepared to repair or troubleshoot.

To view equipment currently available, please select from the  heading noted below or from left tool bar"

Electrical Test & Calibration

Physical Test & Calibration

Dimensional Test & Calibration

To receive pricing information on a specific item, contact us at: [email protected]  indicating the item reference number.

We believe — Quality Starts and Ends with People’s making Marsh Metrology Known and Remembered for our Quality of Service.
Equipment For Sale