Marsh has a long history of active involvement in the Nuclear Power Industry in the design, prototype development, test, manufacture and integration of safety related systems for both the Canadian and International nuclear industry, all in accordance with the CSA-Z299.2 Quality Assurance Program. Typical examples include:
Shutdown System 1: Developed a detailed Engineering and Proposed a VME based Shutdown System 1 (SDS1) for CANDU 9 reactors.
Shutdown System 2: Integrated and qualified Shutdown System 2 (SDS 2) hardware for Wolsong 2, 3 &4 using VME bus architecture system, including the design, qualification and production of final trip watchdog timers. This system is developed as a Marsh Standard product.
TALC (Temperature Alarm Logic Control) System: Designed, Built, Integrated and qualified a Power House Emergency Ventilation Logic System for Bruce Nuclear Power plant using FPGA technology.
For more information contact us at: [email protected]
View: CSA-Z299.2-1985 Certificate
View: List of Marsh Nuclear Projects